Comments on: 7 Ways to Get Rid of Bindweed Organically Sat, 09 Sep 2023 18:39:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Craig Sat, 09 Sep 2023 18:39:17 +0000 About five years ago, I put black plastic over about 100 square feet of my back yard and left it for July and August. The bindweed is only now starting to creep in around the edges of that area. My back yard is about 4,000 square feet. If the bindweed would kill off the other weeds I’d leave it.

By: john Tue, 04 Jul 2023 16:08:57 +0000 In reply to EcoCatLady.

what do you want to do with them? hydrogen peroxide will kill the elm tree beetles which will help the tree. chainsaws work well, then burn the cut up wood. after cutting they will come back, turning into a bush which i turn into a sculpture each year. making a triangle, a cube… jp

By: jp Tue, 04 Jul 2023 15:46:46 +0000 In reply to Eliza Cross.

or burn down the fence…
repeated spraying with white vinegar will kill it in a few weeks, no water. i am working in my greenhouse. jp

By: Robin Sun, 07 May 2023 13:53:27 +0000 My wife and I bought some land and large parts are smothered in this stuff. Other parts are fairly free of it and I’m thinking those areas have probably been weed killed and that’s even worse as far as I’m concerned because I want to grow food. A tractor came in and raked over the land. Bindweed came back so fast and is now flowering. The fact that it hosts viruses is also pretty depressing. There are machines that can spray boiling water that would kill it, but it’s too expensive an option for me. It’s going to be a challenge that’s for sure. Please don’t use glyphosphate. It’s a dangerous chemical known to cause cancer.

By: Trudy Chastkavich Sat, 21 May 2022 12:48:40 +0000 How refreshing to read your post. I loved it. I needed some humour as I struggle every year to control my bindweed. From what I have heard and read I think I will just need to live with it and dig out my vegetable garden every year and snip off throughout the year. I am praying that something will come along and wipe it out (one can only dream) 🙂

By: Kathie Turpin Sat, 11 Sep 2021 08:37:27 +0000 Thank you so very much for ideas to get rid of this horrible weed that exploded in my yard this year, and keeping safety to the cats in m neighborhood in mind (including my own that likes to get out once in awhile!)

By: Kelly Wed, 28 Jul 2021 02:20:32 +0000 In reply to Marilyn D..

2021 now. Can we still get russian tortoises? bindweeds are out of control !

By: Carol Scott Wed, 14 Jul 2021 02:27:10 +0000 In reply to Suzanne R.McKenzie.

0 do.I
I have a lot of it but now 75 and arthritic it takes me a while
Where would I get the mites
