The concept of sowing and reaping is a beautiful paradox, both in the world and as it relates to money.
If we look at nature, we see this simple act of farming displayed in its purest form.

Let’s say someone gives me a handful of open-pollinated corn seeds.
I plant them in good soil, tend the plants, and watch in amazement as the stalks grow tall and healthy.

At summer’s end, I harvest more ears of corn than my family and I can eat. I now have extra corn to share with others.
I also have new seed to plant next year and feed my family again.
I even have extra corn seeds to share with others. Now they can grow their own corn, feed their families, and share the harvest.

Planting and Harvesting
This idea of sowing, reaping, saving, and sharing applies to finances, too.
Back in the days when food supplies were highly unpredictable, the Scriptures commanded the people to take a tenth of their crops or money to the storehouse so that food would be available for the poor and times of drought and famine. It makes sense, doesn’t it?
After reminding people to be generous givers in the book of Malachi (chapter 3, verse 10), God says something surprising.
“Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
Did I read that right? Does the God of the Universe just flat-out challenge us to test him by giving?
If you want to have some fun with this idea, here’s an experiment.
A Month of Sowing and Reaping

Take a piece of notebook paper, and write “30 Days of Giving” at the top. On the back side, write “30 Days of Receiving.” (If you are a praying person, you may wish to send up a little prayer that God will show you opportunities to share.)
Now, every time you give–whether it’s a $5 bill to the young man earnestly playing his guitar in the park, or the jackets you gather up and drop off at the Winter Coat Drive, or the cookies you take to your widowed neighbor, or the check you write to your favorite charity–jot it on your “Giving” list.
At the same time, watch for unexpected gifts and blessings in your life and record those on your “Receiving” list.
The paradox I’ve experienced is this: No matter how much goes on the Giving list, the Receiving list always grows longer.
If you try this experiment, drop a comment below and share your experience!
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Eliza Cross is the creator of Happy Simple Living, where she shares ideas to help busy people simplify cooking, gardening, holidays, home, and money. She is also the award-winning author of 17 cookbooks, including Small Bites and 101 Things To Do With Bacon.
We sponsored prenatal care and a safe birth for a mother in Africa last Wednesday, and today received word that my husband had sold a painting for more than 3 times the cost of our sponsorship. God is faithful
Wow! That is amazing, Mom. And so are you and Pop. Love you so much! xxoo
I started my list yesterday! Can’t wait to see what the next 30 days brings. Can you believe this weather? I’ll take that as my first blessing for sure.
It’s so gorgeous! And I love that you started your list. Hope your holidays are filled with joy and blessings. xxoo