When life gets crazy, you might find it helpful to practice some of these free ways to simplify your life.
On hectic days, I sometimes have to take a deep breath and remind myself to slow down, take a little break, and make space for peace and calm.
Here are 7 ways to simplify life this week:

1. Tidy Your Phone Screen
Delete any unused applications from your phone. You can also group similar apps into dedicated buttons if you like.
Because we tend to look at our phones so often, this simple task of decluttering the screen can help you feel more organized.
While you’re at it, update your phone screen wallpaper with a peaceful image or a favorite photo.
2. Empty the Change from Your Pockets or Purse
You’ll not only travel lighter, you might be pleasantly surprised at how small amounts add up over time (especially if you get in the habit of paying cash for small purchases).
As our coins accumulated we’ve deposited them at the credit union for five years, and the account recently reached $500 – the minimum amount to buy a CD, so our ‘spare change’ now earns a higher rate of interest. (Along the same lines, you might also like the simple $5 Bill Savings Plan.)
If you have a few extra minutes, declutter your purse or wallet. Remove any old expired insurance cards, papers, receipts, etc.
3. Cook a Double Batch of Dinner, and Freeze Half
You’ll hardly expend any more more time or energy cooking a double portion, and you’ll have a nice dinner all ready for a future busy night.
I like to make a double batch of our easy Italian meatballs, which freeze really well.
Here’s how to freeze meals properly to preserve the food quality.
4. Organize One Space
If a journey begins with a single step, choose just one shelf or drawer to declutter this week and enjoy the instant gratification of an uncluttered space.
I have used the KonMari method of folding to organize a t-shirt drawer and our dishtowels in a kitchen drawer. Once it’s done, it’s easy to maintain and I always feel glad when I open those drawers and see the neat rows.
5. Write in a Gratitude Journal

If you’re like me, you have a couple of unused journals lying around that were given as gifts. Grab one, or a notebook or even index cards and jot down three things you’re grateful for today.
Writing in a gratitude journal and focusing on the positive is a wonderful way to start and end the day, and and always helps me stay mindful of the abundance we have.
6. Deal with 10 Pieces of Paper Every Day
Take a paper off the stack; act on it, file it or toss it. In a week, your paper stack will be 2 inches shorter.
Keep up the habit for a month, and you’ll have 300 less papers lying around. Just don’t let any new papers wander in!
7. Take a Walk
Refresh your mind, observe the world, and get some fresh air and exercise to boot. Take the dog along and you’ll both reap benefits!
What are your favorite free, easy ways to simplify? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Drop a comment below!

Eliza Cross is the creator of Happy Simple Living, where she shares ideas to help busy people simplify cooking, gardening, holidays, home, and money. She is also the award-winning author of 17 cookbooks, including Small Bites and 101 Things To Do With Bacon.
🙂 Good ideas and I’m going for a walk right now.
Thanks, Abbie! 🙂 Love the smiley face!
I loved these tips – especially the one about dinner.
Thank you, Audrey! I love the horse photo on your avatar.
Readers — Audrey is an award-winning photographer and you can see more of her work here: http://www.audreyhall.com/
I took a walk this morning to the grocery store, then emptied my change into the money jar. I will write in my gratitude journal this evening. Item #1- I am grateful for Eliza’s friendship!
It’s great to hear from you and I am grateful for you, too, Kara.
Nice looking blog-site – simple, clear cut.
Pat me on the back; I’ve been doing that cooking thing consistently for years.
Congratulations on the new blog.
You definitely deserve a pat on the back, Donna! I’m trying to get better about planning ahead.
OMG I feel better already and I have done none of your great suggestions-yet! But I will.
Well, have a really good run today, and am about to empty my change-it’s heavy too!
I think I recognize that adorable boy!
As with everything you do, Eliza, this has great style, substance and artistry.
This is high praise coming from you, Gail. Readers, Gail and her husband Tom own Highland Haven Creekside Inn in Evergreen (http://www.highlandhaven.com), a splendid lodge that Sunset magazine named one of the top ten most romantic inns.
I want to know how I can move to the place the ocean wallpaper picture was taken!!
My battle to simplify involves keeping a box next to the dresser in my bedroom for charity items. Any time there is a question about keeping something, or I’m cleaning out a drawer, or pull something out of the closet that I haven’t worn since before I had gray hair, or . . . into the box it goes. Everytime a charity calls for a pickup I say “yes” and out goes the whole box. someday I hope to actually be getting rid of more things than I’m bringing in, but until then, I feel like I’m at least making a stab at fighting back!
Thanks for a great idea, Nancy. I need to get in the habit of “just saying yes” when the charities call.
Congrats on the new blog. It’s beautiful. Love this post.
I’m learning to make pasta from scratch in big batches so that I can freeze some. I’d been fooling myself with “store bought” is just fine, but I finally made a real batch of pasta with homemade sauce (like my gram made) the other day, and MAN! there is a huge difference.
That homemade pasta sounds unbelievable. I need to dust off my pasta machine and get busy.
By the way, readers, you should check out Roxanne’s award-winning dog blog, Champion of My Heart http://www.championofmyheart.com/.
Happy Blog Warming! Glad you have a new and spacious place for your words.
I love gratitude journals! So glad to see you sharing this. Have fun writing here.
Always hoping the BEST for you,
Blog warming — that’s a good one, Maryjo! I’m setting out a virtual plate of brownies for everyone right now…
Such helpful reminders, Eliza – thank you. I just got back from my River Writing & Sculpting Journey and am always reminded how simple life on the river can be, allowing time to breathe in the sunrise, or fall asleep counting stars under a milky way blanket. So thank you again for these reminders.
Oh, that sounds lovely! I’d love to experience one of your wonderful river trips someday, Page. Readers, you can read more about Page’s work and the trips she leads at http://www.pagelambert.com/.
Beautiful new blog, Eliza! And these are wonderful suggestions, keep them coming! I’m going to clean up my work area right this minute.
Thank you, and if you get bored after you clean up your work area you are always welcome here! xo
All I want to do is default to #7. Already did that once today, so I guess I better get to work on that paperwork. Hubby has been home, and my desk is a disaster – about 100 pieces of paper!!! Oh, what the heck…I’m going for a walk instead 🙂 Thanks for the tips Eliza!
100 pieces of paper is NOTHING, I tell ya. Thanks for stopping by, Lori!
Hi Eliza, I love this! I used to subscribe to a publication called Real Simple, and I have missed it for a long time. I agree with some of your other reader’s comments–I feel simplified already!
Real Simple is a great magazine, and another favorite is Natural Home for ideas about sustainable living. Thanks for your comments!
hi I just found your blog. Love it! Great ideas! I am working on no spending in January 2011! I have a stock pile of “pantry” items and can’t wait to see what I come up with!
I really like the “10 paper” strategy. My paper multiplies while I sleep, so maybe I can outsmart it! 🙂
I think my papers multiply in the night as well, Barb – good luck with outsmarting them!
Oh-And I forgot to mention, Gratitude Journal- A must for all!!! No complaining for me.
we have a worm box where all vegetable trimmings and any leftovers go, and the red wigglers make it all into gorgeous compost. taking that a step further, i’ve started saving all those scraps in a container in the freezer, and when I get enough to fill a slow cooker (usually about once a week) I put it in the cooker with water to fill and let it simmer on low overnight. the resulting strained vegetable broth is wonderful as a base for soups, for cooking rice, etc. and once the strained-out veg bits have cooled, they then go to the worm box.